Low back pain is a common phenomenon and the reasons for their appearance may be different. Often such symptoms are manifested by hypothermia, pathologies of internal organs and degenerative changes in the spine. In women, back pain can be caused by various physiological features of the body and pregnancy. Elimination of such an unpleasant phenomenon can be achieved with the help of both drugs and folk remedies. You can consult a specialist after a thorough examination to find out why your lower back hurts and how to treat it at home.
Why does the lower back hurt
Primary discomfort and pain in the lumbar region are usually caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes affecting the intervertebral discs and joints. Over time, the pathological process spreads to the vertebrae and adjacent tissues. The result is back pain and the development of pathologies such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis and spondylosis.

Such diseases develop quite slowly and eventually become chronic. With the development of any complication, the patient is concerned about acute pain, and this condition requires mandatory treatment.
Secondary pain in the lumbar region can be triggered by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as pathologies of other organs.
Experts identify some of the triggers that can cause pain in the lower back:
- lesions of the musculoskeletal system of congenital and acquired nature;
- systemic and rheumatic diseases;
- problems with metabolic processes in the body and pathology of the endocrine system;
- malignant tumors of the spine and adjacent tissues;
- inflammation of the muscles of the lumbar region;
- spinal cord injuries and injuries;
- gynecological diseases in women;
- pathology of the urinary system.
In men, lower back pain can be caused by prostatitis and increased physical exertion.
How to treat low back at home
Many people suffering from spinal pathologies experience back pain from time to time. They often appear completely unexpected, so it is important to be able to provide timely medical care.

If you have low back pain, you need to sleep on a hard and even surface and do it slowly and carefully. It is possible to reduce the load on the spine and eliminate discomfort if you lie on your side.
When the pain subsides, it is recommended to turn to the back, which will allow the muscles to relax. It is best to place the lower extremities on a raised platform at an angle of 90 degrees and stay in this position for about 15 minutes. This position helps to relax the back muscles and align the spine.
After overcoming the pain syndrome in the lower back, it is necessary to stand up properly to prevent its recurrence. To do this, turn to the side, take all fours and use any support. Only then are you allowed to stand up and bend your back only last.
After first aid, it is important to wrap the lower back tightly with a towel and straighten it. In addition, during treatment at home, you are allowed to take a drug that has an analgesic effect and consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Medical therapy
Different medications can be used to relieve back pain, but only a doctor should choose them. Treatment can be carried out with the following drugs:
- Painkillers. Such medications are good for relieving acute attacks of back pain, but their overuse can cause side effects. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to treat the pathology;
- Drugs. Drugs of this group are allowed to be used for a short time under the supervision of a specialist;
- Antidepressants. Doses of these drugs vary slightly, and with their help it is possible to eliminate some types of chronic back pain. Basically, tricyclic antidepressants are used to relieve pathology;
- Local pain medications. Such drugs are available in the form of an ointment, cream or gel, which should be applied directly to the painful area.
- Muscle relaxants. If it is not possible to get rid of the pain with the help of over-the-counter painkillers, a muscle relaxant is prescribed. Taking these drugs may be accompanied by the development of side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness.

If all of the above measures do not bring relief to the patient, doctors may prescribe medications such as cortisol. Anti-inflammatory drugs are given as injections into the space around the spinal cord. With its help, it is possible to minimize inflammation around the nerve roots, but it can take several months to completely eliminate the pain syndrome.
When the nerves in the lower back are constricted and the pain spreads to the legs, treatment should be with B vitamins. Thanks to them, it is possible to strengthen and restore the affected areas of nerve tissue.
It is important to remember that any medication must be agreed with a specialist, and only he or she can answer how to treat the patient's lower back.
Exercise therapy for low back pain should combine the following types of exercises:
- Extension. Proper stretching of muscles with active exercise helps to maintain the normal functioning of muscles suffering from spasm or atrophy. Patients with low back pain should pay attention to stretching the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and hips. Yoga is a good preventative measure that relaxes the muscles and keeps them in good condition;
- dynamic exercises. Such exercises can be performed using special balls, and their main purpose is to strengthen the secondary muscles of the spine and keep it in different range of motion.
It is recommended to combine physiotherapy exercises with swimming, cycling and brisk walking. They have a positive effect on muscle stagnation and improve the overall condition of the body.

At home, you can massage and use oregano, juniper, sage, lavender and other oils. The following sequence should be followed when performing such a procedure:
- Warm your back by rubbing it with your palms for 2-3 minutes;
- with slow circular upward movements, rub the skin with oil with the upper phalanx of the thumb or the base of the palm;
- The tense back muscles are kneaded with both hands: one of them comes under pressure, and the other relaxes by lightly tapping.
As an ambulance for back pain, it is convenient to massage yourself, for this you need to squeeze your left or right hand into a fist and start spiraling with it in the area of discomfort. All movements should be smooth and precise, strong pressure should be avoided. Self-massage is allowed several times a day, even in painful places.
Therapeutic exercises and gymnastics are allowed after it is possible to stop the back pain syndrome. It should be remembered that its use is prohibited during exacerbations. You need to exercise every day to get a lasting positive effect.
The physiotherapist should choose a number of exercises, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's condition. When done correctly, the exercises help to strengthen the back muscles and relieve pain. It is necessary to control the absence of pain during exercise, and if there is an obvious discomfort, it is necessary to reduce the range of motion.
Folk remedies
It is possible to alleviate the well-being of back pain with the help of alternative treatments, but it is recommended to consult a specialist before using them.
Therapeutic compresses
You can use the following compress recipes at home to relieve back pain and restore health:
- Mix equal amounts of vinegar and honey, spread cabbage leaves with such a mixture. Such a compress should be applied from top to bottom and wrapped in a warm scarf or shawl. It is recommended to perform such a procedure several times a day for half an hour;
- You can grate radish or horseradish and combine the resulting mass with sour cream in a ratio of 1: 1. Such a tool should be applied to the back and covered with a warm scarf. The duration of a procedure is 1-1, 5 hours, and usually the pain syndrome disappears completely over time;
- Raw potatoes and horseradish should be ground in equal proportions and mixed with 5-10 ml of honey. As a result, the mixture should be applied to the painful back, and the procedure takes 1-1, 5 hours.
A good effect in the fight against pain is a bow that can be applied to the lower back all night and wrapped in a warm cloth after grinding in a blender. You can dissolve mustard powder in water until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply on your back for 5 minutes. Folk healers say that you will definitely feel better after taking such a compress.
Rapid relief of pain is facilitated by a method such as friction, which, in addition to increasing blood flow to the affected area, can also improve metabolic processes. It is good to perform this procedure before going to bed with the help of the following means:
- warm honey;
- a mixture of iodine, valerian, triple cologne and chopped red pepper;
- Alcohol tincture of eucalyptus, human root or burdock.

A mixture of 10 grams of leaves and tansy flowers and a glass of boiling water gives a good effect in relieving back pain. Infuse this mixture in a thermos for an hour, then strain and mix with 5 grams of soda. Daily rubbing with a tool should be done a few days before bedtime.
Infusions for internal use
It is possible to fight the pathology with the help of means designed for internal use. At home, you can use the following recipes for back pain:
- Grind cinquefoil root and pour 500 ml of vodka. As a result, the mixture should be left to infuse for 1 month, after which it should be taken several times a day, 1 tbsp. l;
- You can pre-boil 10 basil leaves in water to evaporate all the liquid. After that, the painkiller should be cooled and a little soda should be added to it. As a result, the mixture should be taken orally several times a day;
- Soak a little wheat in water and leave this mass overnight. In the morning add coriander and boil the mixture in 200 ml of milk. It is recommended to take such a drug twice a day until the pain syndrome is completely eliminated.
A proven and effective folk remedy for low back pain is elecampane wine, for its preparation is combined with 100 grams of yeast per liter of honey and 30 grams of crushed carrots. The resulting mixture is placed in a three-liter jar, add a little water and put on a perforated rubber glove around his neck. After 30 days, the container is placed in the refrigerator and drink ½ cup in the morning and before bedtime.
Preventive measures
Treatment of pain at home is allowed both in the chronic course of the pathology and in the elimination of an acute attack. This therapy is suitable for both young and elderly patients.
To prevent back pain, it is recommended to exercise actively and do exercises aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and lumbar region. Simultaneously with ongoing treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum, as well as to exercise regularly in the pool and pump the press.
Women should avoid wearing high heels and platform shoes, which will reduce the load on the spine and lumbar region. It is necessary to sleep on a firm orthopedic mattress, because such a measure helps to completely relax the spine and avoid spinal pathologies.